
September 2024

  WIPGO #s for Sep: 4 & 11: 30 minutes a day 4. (5) Sleigh Ride:  (10 + ?? = ?? HoS).  11. (55) Along Memory Lane: 18 Aug 2021 - : (10 + ?? = ?? HoS). 5. (13) Artecy: Air Force: 6 Feb 2023 - ??:  (33.5 + 1 = 34.5 HoS). Sun, 1 Sep 2024: 5 HoS 5 Total (??•F) (224): October: 5 HoS (5) Mon, 2 Sep 2024: 5 HoS 10 Total (??•F) (216): September: 5 HoS (5) Tue, 3 Sep 2024: 5 HoS 15 Total (??•F) (213): Jolly Soul: 3 HoS (3) K14: Spill the Tee: 2 HoK (2) Wed, 4 Sep 2024: 7 HoS 22 Total (??•F) (196): Maggie Mae: 2 HoS (2) K14: Spill the Tee: 1 HoK (3) (218): Fabulous House #7: 4 HoS (4) Thu, 5 Sep 2024: 4.5 HoS 26.5 Total (86•F) (213): Jolly Soul: 1 HoS (4) (196): Maggie Mae: 1.5 HoS (3.5) (218): Fabulous House #7: 2 HoS (6) Fri, 6 Sep 2024: 3 HoS 29.5 Total (86•F) Doctor: Adam Olsen (218): Fabulous House #7: 3 HoS (9) Sat, 7 Sep 2024: 5.25 HoS 34.75 Total (80•F) (218): Fabulous House #7: 3.25 HoS (12.25) (157): Changing Seasons: 2 HoS (2) Sun

Spill the Tea

 4 Day KAL from designer Marie Green.   I started this project on 25 Jun 2024.  The yarn is: Premier Cotton Fair.  The main color #27-09 Lavender. The dye lot is: 1090.  CC1 is white and CC2 is black.   The yarn is 52% cotton and 48% acrylic. There are 317 yards on each skein.  The label lists this yarn as #2 Fine.  This yarn is machine washable and dry flat.  My gauge is the same as the pattern: 24 sts and 30 rounds in 4 inches.  I’m using #2 needles for the ribbing and #3 needles for the body.  11 Aug 2024: After 21 hours of knitting: The ribbing is 3 inches.  There are 3 lace repeats and 2 stripe repeats.  The next section will be a stripe repeat.

August 2024

  WIPGO #s for Aug: 12 & 15: 30 minutes a day 12. ( 58) SC: Halloween #6: 6 Sep 2023 - ??: (9.25 + ?? = HoS). 15. (67) Christmas Reindeer: 21 Dec 2021 - ??: (12 + ?? = ?? HoS). Thu, 1 Aug 2024: 9.75 HoS 9.75 Total (??•F) Aspen Skye: 1 dose Bravetco (180): Quilty Witch: 1.5 HoS (1.5) Kitting: 5 HoS. (221): Fabulous House: #8: 2 HoS (2) (218): Fabulous Houses: #7: 1.25 (1.25) Fri, 2 Aug 2024: 8.25 HoS 18 Total (95•F) (213): Jolly Soul: .75 HoS (.75) (217): SOC: #7: 2.25 HoS (2.25). (223): SOC: #8: 2 HoS (2) Journal: 2 Hours  (221): Fabulous House: #8: 1.25 HoS (3.25) Sat, 3 Aug 2024: 6.5 HoS 24.5 Total (91•F) (175): Autumn Garland: 1 HoS (1). (216): September: 5.5 HoS (5.5) Sun, 4 Aug 2024: 6.5 HoS 31 Total (93•F) Father’s 97th birthday (224): October: 1 HoS (1) (196): Maggie Mae: 1 (1) (213): Jolly Soul: 1 HoS (1.75) (217): SOC: #7: 1 HoS (3.25) (223): SOC: #8: .5 HoS (2.75) K12: Lemon Spritz: 1 HoK (1) K14: Spill the Tea: 1 HoK (1)