31 Jul 2021

October Kringle after 10 hours of stitching:

The haunted house is stitched with glow-in-the-dark floss and outlined with purple metallic floss.  

Another six hours of stitching:

The Trick or Treat Cat Basket has glow-in-the-dark eyes.  The main stitching is done. Now on to the embellishments.

And here he is fully embellished:

Total stitching time: 18 hours.  Moved to finishing.

Yesterday, I learned about a double-sided tape that is used to mount needlework.  Placed an order and will be finishing the August Kringle as soon as it arrives.

There were a few more hours of stitching time left on this last day of Jul 2021.  “Twin Peaks Summer Plaid-demic 2021” fit the bill.  This is a pattern I’ve wanted to do.  I’m stitching it on 25 Count Country Vintage Mocha; one over one with the DMC called for colors. I’m thinking about adding a border made with Lori Holt’s “Stitchy Stars”.

I’ve sent a note to the gals in the Netherlands asking if they plan to add Autumn, Winter and Spring to this pattern.  Waiting to hear. Sure hope so.  


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