Stitch MAYnia 2022

 May 1: 7.5 hours (7.5 total hours)

(107): A Year in the Woods: The Ferret: 3.5 HoS

(98): Hope and Strength: 1 HoS  

April Santa: Stitching completed in 2020.  Finally up for FFO. 1 hour so far.

(103): USA: 1 HoS.

(H): Aquarelle Shawl: 1 HoK.

May 2: 6.5 hours (14 total hours)

(91): Autumn Beauties: 1 HoS.

(70): TPS Evergreen: 1 HoS.

(71): TPS Evergreen Ornament #2: 1 HoS.

(23): Seasons of the Heart Ornament - Spring: 1 HoS.

(82): Nadolig Llawen: 1 HoS.

(H): Aquarelle Shawl: 1.5 HoK.

May 3: 9.5 hours (23.5 total hours)

(H): Aquarelle Shawl: 1.5 HoK.

(106): Hello Summer: 2 HoS.

(80): Seasons of the Heart: Spring: .5 HoS.

(101): Artic Santa: .5 HoS.

(93): Heartfelt Sampler: 2 HoS.

(94): Scandinavian Christmas Tree: 2 HoS.

(107): A Year in the Woods: The Ferret: 2 HoS.

May 4: 7.75 hours (31.25 total hours)

(107): A Year in the Woods: The Ferret: 1 HoS.

(83): Dancer: 1.25 HoS.

(87): Shamrock Banner: 1 HoS.

(96): Owl Forest: 1 HoS.

(H): Aquarelle: 2 HoK.

(F) Disappearing 4 Patch: .5 HoS.

April Santa: 1 hour of finishing.

May 5: 7.5 hours (38.75 total hours)

(107): A Year in the Woods: The Ferret: 3 HoS.

(93): Heartfelt Sampler: 1 HoS.

(94): Scandinavian Christmas Tree: 1 HoS.

(104): 12 Days of Christmas #6: 1.5 HoS.

(108): Twin Peaks Autumn: 1 HoS.

May 6: 6.25 hours (45 total hours

(107): A Year in the Woods: The Ferret: 3.25 HoS.

(89): Big Hearted Tiny Town: 3 HoS.

May 7: 3.25 hours (48.25 total hours)

(107): A Year in the Woods: The Ferret: 1.25 HoS.

(83) Dancer: 2 HoS.

May 8: 5.5 hours (53.75 total hours)

(83) Dancer: 2 HoS.

(107): A Year in the Woods: The Ferret: 3.5 HoS.

May 9: 8 hours (61.75 total hours)

(107): A Year in the Woods: The Ferret: 3 HoS.

(61): Quilt Bee Sampler: 3 HoS.

(105): Blooming Tiny Town: 1 HoS.

(103): USA: 1 HoS.

May 10: 11.5 hours (73.25 total hours)

(107): A Year in the Woods: The Ferret: 7 HoS.

(93): Heartfelt Sampler: 1 HoS.

(94): Scandinavian Christmas Tree: 1.5 HoS.

(71): TPS: Evergreen Ornament #2: 2 HoS.

May 11: 7 hours (80.25 total hours)

(71): TPS: Evergreen Ornaments: 5 HoS.

(102): 12 Days of Christmas #6: 2 HoS. 

May 12: 7 hours (87.25 total hours)

(107): A Year in the Woods: The Ferret: 2 HoS.

(105): Blooming Tiny Town: 1 HoS.

(F): Disappearing 4 Patch: 1 HoS.

(102): Love Is All You Need: 1 HoS.

(98) Hope and Strength: 1 HoS.

(82) Welch Blanket: 1 HoS.

May 13: 10 hours (97.25 total hours)

(108) Twin Peaks Autumn: 6 HoS.

(109): Twin Peaks Santa 2021: 1 HoS.

April Santa: 1 more hour added to finishing and it is done. 

(110): My Flower Garden: 2 HoS.

 May 14: 6.5 hours (103.75 total hours)

(61): Quilt Bee Sampler: 1 HoS.

(110): My Flower Garden: 1.5 HoS.

(107): A Year in the Woods: The Ferret: 4 HoS.

May 15: 6.5 hours (110.25 total hours)

(107): A Year in the Woods: The Ferret: 2.5 HoS.

(61): Quilt Bee Sampler: 2 HoS.

(106): Hello Summer: 1 HoS.

(91): Autumn Beauties: 1 HoS.

May 16: 8.5 hours (118.75 total hours)

(102): 12 Days of Christmas #6: 3 HoS. 

(94): Scandinavian Christmas Tree: 1 HoS.

(93): Heartfelt Sampler: 1 HoS.

(110): My Flower Garden: 3 HoS.

May Santa: .5 HoF.

May 17: 5 hours (124.75 total hours)

(93): Heartfelt Sampler: 1 HoS.

(H): Aquarelle: 3 HoK.

(86) Twin Peaks Spring: 1 HoS.

May 18: 10 hours (133.75 total hours)

(H): Aquarelle: 3 HoK.

(96): Owl Forest: 3 HoS.

(61): Quilt Bee Sampler: 3 HoS.

(I): May Santa: 1 HoF.

(J): Project Bag #1: 1 HoS.

May 19: 6 hours (139.75 total hours)

(I): May Santa: 1 HoF.

(J): Project Bag #1: 1 HoS.

(H): Aquarelle: 1 HoK.

(84): Blueskin: 1 HoS.

(111): TPS: Evergreen Ornament #3: 2 HoS.

May 20: 7.5 hours (147.25 total hours)

(84): Blueskin: 2 HoS.

(H): Aquarelle: 1 HoK.

(90): Summer Delivery: 4.5 HoS.

May 21: 5.5 hours (152.75 total hours)

(90): Summer Delivery: 5.5 HoS.

May 22: 2 hours (154.75 total hours)

(97): B & B Birthdays: 2 HoS

May 23: 4 hours (158.75  total hours)

(97) B & B Birthdays: 2 HoS.

(48): Twin Peaks Summer: 2 HoS.

May 24: 6 hours (164.75 total hours)

(91) Autumn Beauties: 6 HoS.

May 25: 11 hours (175.75 total hours)

(91) Autumn Beauties: 6 HoS.

(H): Aquarelle: 5 HoK.

May 26: 7 hours (182.75 total hours)

(H):  Aquarelle: 7 HoK.

May 27: 5.5 hours (188.25 total hours)

(H): Aquarelle: 2 HoK.

(91): Autumn Beauties: 3.5 HoS.

May 28: 11 hours (199.25 total hours)

(H): Aquarelle: 6 HoK.

(61): Quilt Bee Sampler: 5 HoS.

May 29: 10.75 hours (210 total hours)

(H): Aquarelle: 3 HoK.

(111): TPS: Evergreen Ornament #3: 3.75 HoS.

(70): TPS: Evergreen Sampler: 4 HoS.

May 30: 7 hours (217 total hours)

(H): Aquarelle: 3 HoK.

(90): Summer Delivery: 4 HoS.

May 31: 6.25 hours (223.25 total hours)

(90): Summer Delivery: 6.25 HoS.


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