October 2022


1 Oct 2022 10 HoS (10 Total HoS).
(124): Artecy: Great Smoky Mountains: .75 HoS. (.75) (70) TPS: Evergreen Sampler: 3.25 HoS. (3.25)

(13): Air Force: 3 HoS. (3)

(47): October Kringle: 2 HoF = FFO

(105): Blooming Tiny Town: 1 HoS. (1)

2 Oct 2022 5.25 HoS (15.25 Total HoS).
(13): Air Force: 1 HoS. (4)
(125): Bathing: 3 HoS. (3)
(70) TPS: Evergreen Sampler: 1.25 HoS.(Fox) (4.5)  

3 Oct 2022 9.5 HoS (24.75 Total HoS).
(96): Owl Forest: 1 HoS.  (1)
(70) TPS: Evergreen Sampler: 1.5 HoS.(Fox) (6)
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 4 HoK.  (4)
N***Go Tell the Bees: 3 HoK. (3)

4 Oct 2022 7.75 HoS (32.5 Total HoS).
N***Go Tell the Bees: 1.5 HoK. (4.5)
(70) TPS: Evergreen Sampler: 1 HoS.(Fox) (7)
(124): Artecy: Great Smoky Mountains: .30 HoS. (1.25) 
(70) TPS: Evergreen Sampler: 1 HoS.(Fox) (7)
(96): Owl Forest: 1.25 HoS.  (2.25)
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 1 HoK.  (5)
(125): Bathing: 1.5 HoS. (4.5)

5 Oct 2022 6.5 HoS (39 Total HoS).
N***Go Tell the Bees: 1.5 HoK. (6)
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 3 HoK.  (8)
(70) TPS: Evergreen Sampler: 2 HoS.(Fox) (9)

6 Oct 2022 5.5 HoS (44.5 Total HoS).
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 3 HoK.  (11)
(125): Bathing: 2.5 HoS. (7)

7 Oct 2022 0 HoS (44.5 Total HoS).
Sick from COVID shot

8 Oct 2022 2.5 HoS (47 Total HoS).
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 2.5 HoK.  (13.5)

9 Oct 2022 8 HoS (55 Total HoS).
N***Go Tell the Bees: 8 HoK. (14)

10 Oct 2022 4 HoS (59 Total HoS).
N***Go Tell the Bees: 2 HoK. (16)
(70) TPS: Evergreen Sampler: 2 HoS.(Fox) (11)

11 Oct 2022 9 HoS (68 Total HoS).
(9): Easter Bunny Ring: FFO: 1 HoF.
(105): Blooming Tiny Town: 5 HoS. (5)
(125): Bathing: 3 HoS. (10)

12 Oct 2022 9 HoS (77 Total HoS).
N***Go Tell the Bees: 4 HoK. (20)
(105): Blooming Tiny Town: .5 HoS. (5.5)
(129): Vintage Witch # 1: 4 HoS. (4)
M**Bee Tree Blanket: .5 HoK.  (14)

13 Oct 2022 9.5 HoS (86.5 Total HoS).
(129): Vintage Witch # 1: 2 HoS. (6) MTF.
N***Go Tell the Bees: 4 HoK. (24)
(125): Bathing: 2 HoS (12).
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 1.5 HoK.  (15.5)

14 Oct 2022 7 HoS (93.5 Total HoS).
N***Go Tell the Bees: 4 HoK. (28)
(130): Vintage Witch # 2:  3 HoS. (3)

15 Oct 2022 7 HoS (100.5 Total HoS).
N***Go Tell the Bees: 4 HoK. (32)
(130): Vintage Witch # 2:  3 HoS. (3) MTF

16 Oct 2022 9.5 HoS (110 Total HoS).
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 1.5 HoK.  (17)
(128): Thanksgiving Stockings: 2 HoS.  (2)
N***Go Tell the Bees: 6 HoK. (38)
(13): Air Force: ?? HoS. (4)

17 Oct 2022 3 HoS (113 Total HoS).
Purchased Telluride
N***Go Tell the Bees: 3 HoK. (41)

18 Oct 2022 11 HoS (124 Total HoS).
(128): Thanksgiving Stockings: 6 HoS.  (10)
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 2 HoK.  (19)
N***Go Tell the Bees: 3 HoK. (44)

19 Oct 2022 4.5 HoS (128.5 Total HoS).
(125): Bathing: 2 HoS (14)
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 1 HoK.  (20)
N***Go Tell the Bees: 1.5 HoK. (45.5)

20 Oct 2022 9.5 HoS (138 Total HoS).
N***Go Tell the Bees: 2 HoK. (47.5)
(128): Thanksgiving Stockings: 2 HoS.  (12)
(125): Bathing: 1.5 HoS (15.5)
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 1 HoK.  (21)
(118): A Year in the Woods: The Barn Owl: 2 HoS. (2)
(131): A Year in the Woods: The Bear: 1 HoS. (1)

21 Oct 2022 11.25 HoS (149.25 Total HoS).
(131): A Year in the Woods: The Bear: 2.25 HoS. (3.25)
(118): A Year in the Woods: The Barn Owl: 2.25 HoS. (4.25)
N***Go Tell the Bees: 2.5 HoK. (50)
(125): Bathing: 1 HoS (16.5)
(128): Thanksgiving Stockings: 3.25 HoS.  (15.25)

22 Oct 2022 6.75 HoS (156 Total HoS).
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 3 HoK.  (24)
(125): Bathing: 1 HoS (16.5)
(118): A Year in the Woods: The Barn Owl: 2.75 HoS. (7)
23 Oct 2022 7 HoS (163 Total HoS).
N***Go Tell the Bees: 1.5 HoK. (51.5)
(118): A Year in the Woods: The Barn Owl: 2 HoS. (9)
(132): Flying Witch:23 Oct 2022-??: 1 HoS. (1)
(125): Bathing: 1.5 HoS (18)
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 1 HoK.  (25)

24 Oct 2022 7.5 HoS (170.5 Total HoS).
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 2.5 HoK.  (27.5)
(133): Monogram Wreath: 3 HoS. (3)
(62): Thanksgiving Circle: FFO.
(134): TOS: The Prairie Year: 2 HoS. (2)

25 Oct 2022 7 HoS (184.5 Total HoS).
(134): TOS: The Prairie Year: 7 HoS. (9)

26 Oct 2022 9.5 HoS (195 Total HoS).
(133): Monogram Wreath: 1.5 HoS. (4.5)
(134): TOS: The Prairie Year: 8 HoS. (17)

27 Oct 2022 9.5 HoS (203.5 Total HoS).
(134): TOS: The Prairie Year: 1 HoS. (18)
(70) TPS: Evergreen Sampler: 1.5 HoS.(Fox) (12.5)
N***Go Tell the Bees: 2 HoK. (53.5)
O: Luella Top: 4 HoK. (4)
(125): Bathing: 1 HoS (19)

28 Oct 2022 7 HoS (210.5 Total HoS).
(125): Bathing: 1 HoS (20)
(70) TPS: Evergreen Sampler: 3.5 HoS.(Fox) (16)
N***Go Tell the Bees: 2.5 HoK. (56)

29 Oct 2022 16 HoS (242.5 Total HoS).
N***Go Tell the Bees: 4 HoK. (60)
(70) TPS: Evergreen Sampler: 10 HoS.(Fox) (26)
Grinding and Kitting: 2 Hours

30 Oct 2022 9.75 HoS (252.75 Total HoS).
N***Go Tell the Bees: 2 HoK. (62)
M**Bee Tree Blanket: 2.5 HoK.  (30)
(128): Thanksgiving Stockings: 3.75 HoS.  (19)
O: Luella Top: 1.5 HoK. (5.5)

31 Oct 2022 9.5 HoS (261.5 Total HoS).
(128): Thanksgiving Stockings: 5 HoS.  (24)
O: Luella Top: 4.5 HoK. (12)


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