
 Calculations: Using #1 Addi needles

1. Finished bust measurement from pattern: 64.2 inches

Note: This is size 9 of the Espalier Pattern

2. Pattern stitch gauge per 4 inches: 22 stitches 

3. My actual bust measurement: 44 inches

4. My stitch gauge per 4 inches: 30 stitches 

With my gauge, my sweater will be about 17.13 inches smaller than the pattern (47.08 inches).  This gives me 3.08 inches of positive ease.  Note: If this isn’t close enough to what I want, try using a larger needle to get gauge, or plan to knit a larger size pattern.  I will be knitting a larger size (9) because I like the fabric created with the size #1 needles with this yarn.


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