WIPGO 2024

 WIPGO #s for Jun: 2 & 25

WIPGO #s for May: 5, 13 & 19

5. (13) RESTART #4: 

*****Artecy: Air Force: 6 Feb 2023 - ??: - :  (33.5 + ?? = ?? HoS).

13. (65) Love Houses: 8 Dec 2021 - ??:(35 + ?? = ?? HoS).

19. (80) Seasons of the Heart: Spring: 29 Jan 2022 - ??: (25 + ?? = ?? HoS). 

WIPGO #s for Apr: 18 & 21
18.(78) Home: Summer: 25 Jan 2022 - ??:(11 + ?? = ?? HoS). 
21.(82) Welch Christmas Blanket: 1 Feb 2022 - ??: (44.75 + ? = ?? HoS).

WIPGO #s for Mar: 1 & 10
1. (1) *2017 Linen and Threads Sampler: (113 + ?? = ?? HoS)
10. (49) Witches Brew: 1 Aug 2021 - ?? : (10 + ?? = ?? HoS).

WIPGO #s for Feb: 3 & 24
3. (4) *Faery Circle: 2021 - ??: (138.5+ ?? = ?? HoS). 
24. (87) Shamrock Banner: 12 Feb 2022 - ??: (17.5 + ?? = ?? HoS).

WIPGO #s for Jan: 9 & 22


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